The official blog of the Saved Content site

The aim of this blog is to collect and archive my selected thoughts, ideas, feelings, reactions, and opinions on subject matters that pique my interest. These entries represent initial drafts that may contain grammatical and spelling errors and whose substance and position could still change, and which, at some point, I could decide to put together into in-depth articles that will be posted on the main Saved Content and Poverty Sucks sites.

"God save us all from that evil Satanic Nazi, Paypal."

Goodbye Original XBOX Live

On April 15, 2010, Microsoft discontinued XBOX Live support for the original XBOX (aka XBOX1).  After April 15, owners of XBOX1 games will no longer be able to download XBOX DLC and XBOX game patches from either the XBOX 360 or the old XBOX.

They also won't be able to play online multiplayer gaming sessions anymore.  XBOX 360 games will not be affected and users playing these XBOX 360 games may in fact benefit from the removal of support for the old XBOX.

Two months back, Marc Whitten, the XBOX Live general manager, announced on February 5, in an official letter to the XBOX Live community, that XBOX Live support for the original XBOX would be discontinued.

The reason given was that it was necessary to abandon legacy support in order to proceed with additional and improved features to the XBOX Live service.  Major Nelson followed this up with a confirmation of the impending removal of support.

My problem is that, just last month, I bought original XBOX games that I could play on my XBOX 360.  I forgot I had them so I forgot to download any of their existing free DLC.

I don't know if I'll be able to download XBOX1 DLC outside of XBOX Live just as I'm currently able to download free XBOX 360 DLC from throughout the Net.  Even if I'll still be able to download free XBOX1 DLC outside of XBOX Live, I don't know if I'll be able to install them on my XBOX 360.

A friend of mine, who has a modded XBOX1, doesn't have these concerns.  He is still able to download XBOX1 DLC from the Net that he can install to his modded original XBOX via DLC installers.

I just hope that free DLC for the original XBOX will still be available somewhere and that these will be readily installable on an XBOX 360 or at least a method be found so that they can be installed on an XBOX 360.


Unknown said...

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Ps3 controller

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