The official blog of the Saved Content site

The aim of this blog is to collect and archive my selected thoughts, ideas, feelings, reactions, and opinions on subject matters that pique my interest. These entries represent initial drafts that may contain grammatical and spelling errors and whose substance and position could still change, and which, at some point, I could decide to put together into in-depth articles that will be posted on the main Saved Content and Poverty Sucks sites.

"God save us all from that evil Satanic Nazi, Paypal."

Linksys WRT54G v7 Piece of Crap Router

I sometimes wonder why, of all the WRT54G router models my family could have gotten as our home broadband router, we ended up with the only version that used an Atheros chipset that is unsupported by any alternative firmware - DD-WRT, OpenWRT, Tomato, etc., instead of the more common Broadcom chipset which is widely supported.  Not only does it limit the possibilities we could eventually perform with the router, it also limits its resale value.
This WRT54G version 7 model is a piece of crap which Linksys should never have produced.  It seems Linksys has learned its lesson, and has since brought out later models only with the Broadcom chipset.


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