I got my Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 for free in December of 2010 through a promo of Smart. The promo offered the free GT-P1000 if I subscribed to Smart's unlimited mobile Internet plan for around $45 monthly and a lock-in period of 24 months.
The warranty expired 12 months later and I cancelled my subscription in December 2012 after the lock-in period was over. A few days into 2013, the internal storage of my Galaxy Tab failed, becoming read-only, reducing my Android tablet into a pricey media player.
6 months later, after a month of research and trial-and-error, I was finally able to revive my tablet. I'll be writing about how I fixed my Galaxy Tab in more technical detail at a later date, but for now, I'll just give a summary of the procedure of my solution:
1. Root the tablet
2. Enable boot or init.d scripts
3. Add a MicroSD Card
4. Create a loopback filesystem image on the MicroSD card
5. Mount the loopback filesystem image and copy /data to the loopback filesystem
6. Edit the boot scripts to unmount /data and mount the loopback filesystem as /data
7. Edit the boot scripts to mount the MicroSD card as /mnt/sdcard